Like the actress who plays her , padm amidala is all grown up 就如同扮演她的女演员一样,帕德美?阿米达拉已经完全长大了。
No longer the teenage queen of naboo , padm amidala takes on a new role in attack of the clones 帕德美?阿米达拉在《克隆人的进攻》中有了全新的身份,她不再是纳布年轻的女王。
After padm amidala stepped down from her position of queen of naboo , and transitioned to senatorial representative , she kept some of the trappings of her former office 帕德美阿米达拉从纳布女王的职位上卸任,转而出任参议院代表后,她延续了过去的一些宫廷服饰。
Despite no longer being queen of naboo , senator padm amidala was still tended to by a loyal cadre of handmaidens that served as bodyguards and decoys during the galaxy ' s tumultuous times of uncertainty 尽管已不再是纳布的女王,帕德美阿米达拉参议员仍然倾向于在银河系的混乱时刻使用一队皇家侍女作为保镖和替身。
Although the death of padm amidala raised many questions - - such as the nature of her suddenly revealed pregnancy or the whereabouts of her droid assistants - - most on naboo followed apailana ' s example of respecting amidala ' s privacy in accordance with naboo tradition and did not call for any sort of investigation 虽然帕德梅?阿米达拉的逝世产生了诸多疑问? ?譬如,她不为人知的怀孕的真相,她的机械人助手的下落,等等? ?但遵照纳布传统,阿派娜拉与绝大多数纳布人尊重阿米达拉的隐私,没有进行任何的调查。